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G20 Presidency, Presenter Clara Antawidjaja: The Right Moment To Get Global Investor Confidence!



FEM Indonesia – Presenter Clara Antawidjaja, Moderator of the G20 Finance Track Side Event, sees that the Indonesian Presidency in the G20 should be utilized to encourage the strengthening of the economic sector in the midst of the world’s economic recovery.

On the supply-side, there is a resurgence in business sector. The business, she said, is starting to gain momentum of recovery since the COVID-19 pandemic began to disappear from Indonesia.

The economic recovery, explained Clara, has actually begun to occur since the end of 2021. Based on BPS (Statistic Indonesia) data, economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2021 will grow 5.02% and overall in 2021 the Indonesian economy will grow 3.69%. This is a good figure compared to the previous year with a contraction of 2.07%.

“Indonesia’s recovering economic condition certainly attracts global investors in Indonesia. In addition, the Indonesian Presidency in the G20 is committed to developing green and sustainable finance. One of the themes of this year’s G20 meeting is ‘Scaling Up The Utilization of Sustainable Financial Instruments’,” said Clara.

Clara Antawidjaja, who is the CEO of Antawijaya Consulting, thinks that the G20 can be the right momentum to attract global investors as this would help improving the resilience of the Indonesian economy. The world’s demands for sustainability and low emissions have spawned a number of innovations. The demands also include the development of sustainable green finance.

What is sustainable finance? Utilization of financial instruments as an effort to develop sources of financing to address climate change and address the risks of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

“It is hoped that with a good economic recovery, as well as the implementation of a sustainable economy, global investors will be more interested in investing in Indonesia,” said Clara.

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Mudahkan Wisatawan Medis Berobat, Malaysia Healthcare Kolaborasi Bank Muamalat dan JavaMifi



FEM Indonesia Taiwan – Sebagai Pelopor Pameran Wisata Medis dari Malaysia, MHExpo (Malaysia Healthcre Expo) dari Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council kembali hadir di Jakarta pada 18-21 Juli 2024 di The Forum Atrium, Mall Kelapa Gading 3 Jakarta Utara. 

Pameran di Jakarta ini merupakan rangkaian roadshow setelah sukses di gelar di 2 kota lainnya yaitu Bandung pada April dan juga Surabaya pada Mei 2024.

Selama bertahun-tahun, Malaysia telah memantapkan posisi sebagai tujuan perjalanan kesehatan pilihan bagi wisatawan medis dari Indonesia yang mencari perawatan dan layanan medis berkualitas untuk melengkapi layanan kesehatan di negara mereka. Menyadari kebutuhan layanan kesehatan Indonesia, Malaysia Healthcare hadir sebagai salah satu platform yang lengkap untuk mendapatkan informasi perawatan ataupun opsi kedua berobat ke luar negeri.

Dalam pameran MH Expo dilakukan launching 2 mitra strategis sejalan dengan komitmen MHTC untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pasien internasional khususnya Indonesia yakni dengan Bank Muamalat Indonesia dan JavaMifi.

Kemitraan strategis ini memungkinkan Malaysia Healthcare untuk meningkatkan keterjangkauan dan aksesibilitas layanan dan penawarannya, sehingga memfasilitasi perjalanan wisatawan kesehatan ke Malaysia sehingga semakin memperkuat ekosistem layanan kesehatan dan perjalanan di masing-masing negara.

“Malaysia Healthcare bangga menjadi mitra Indonesia yang mampu dan tepercaya di luar negeri untuk melengkapi layanan dan penawaran perawatan kesehatan di negara di mana kedua negara kita telah menikmati berbagai kolaborasi di bidang penawaran medis. kami sangat bersemangat untuk memulai kemitraan strategis baru di MHExpo Jakarta 2024, untuk lebih mendukung sistem perawatan kesehatan di dalam negeri dan memfasilitasi pasien lokal untuk mendapatkan layanan kesehatan yang berkualitas dan terjangkau di luar negeri” ujar Rahmatullah Baragau, Direktur MHTC Indonesia.

Sementara itu, Nursalim Madiyanto, Head of Sales and Marketing JavaMifi menjelaskan JavaMifi yang merupakan penyedia travel wifi dan modem internet luar negeri. Menurutnya, kerjasama ini dapat memudahkan wisatawan medis mendapatkan akses yang lebih mudah untuk berkomunikasi saat melakukan wisata dan berobat ke Malaysia.

“Javamifi selalu siap membantu dan support seluruh member hospital  MHTC di Malaysia dengan memberikan layanan terbaik, konektivitas terbaik untuk pasien agar tetap bisa terhubung dengan orang terkasih di tanah air,” ujar  Nursalim Madiyanto.

Sedangkan kerjasama dengan Bank Mualamat Indonesia juga mengharapkan bisa saling menguntungkan dan memudahkan wisatawan medis dalam hal pembayaran yang fleksibel dan mudah untuk nasabah prioritas pemegang kartu Shar-E debit.

MHExpo Jakarta 2024 dikuti lebih dari 20 rumah sakit dari Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Melaka, Johor, Sarawak, Sabah serta perwakilan pariwisata negara bagian seperti, Tourism Malaysia, Sarawak Tourism Board, Sabah Tourism Board. 

Malaysia Healthcare mengundang para wisatawan medis untuk dapat hadir terutama mereka yang mencari paket dan penawaran eksklusif di MHExpo Jakarta 2024. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang MHExpo Jakarta 2024, silakan kunjungi di Instagram, Facebook, dan TikTok.

Untuk pasien Indonesia yang mencari informasi tentang Malaysia Healthcare dan layanannya, bisa hubungi Kantor Perwakilan Malaysia Healthcare di Indonesia di +62 812 8971 0029 / +62 819 0898 9386.

Bisa juga mengunjungi website atau terhubung di media sosial media atau di LinkedIn (Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council).

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FEM English News

A.Nayaka’s Positive Message in New Groovy Single ‘Marila Berdansa’



FEM English News – One of the top Indonesian rappers, A. Nayaka, returns with a newest groovy single titled ‘Marila Berdansa’ (‘Let’s Dance’), produced once again by Malaysian singer-songwriter-producer SonaOne.

This single is catchy and smooth to listen to, dishing an energizing and electrifying trap beat. ‘Marila Berdansa’ also samples an oldie Malaysian song, bringing a unique Melayu feel to fill in the song. The bilingual rap served by A. Nayaka is smooth and fiery.

“Back in 2021, SonaOne sent me a folder of five-six different beats that he had been working on, and one of the beats was for this song. So, he sampled a Malaysian artist named ‘Junaiah’, and the song title was ‘Kau Di Sayang’. Without thinking too much, we immediately got the idea and made the song,” said A. Nayaka about the single making process.

Released under Def Jam Indonesia, despite the upbeat tunes, and flirtatious and playful lyrics, ‘Marila Berdansa’ carries a deep message for its listeners.

“The literal story of the song is asking someone to dance. But figuratively, it’s a metaphor of when you wanna talk to a girl you just gotta do it. You need be brave and face yourself. I’m saying that you need to be able to face yourself to conquer challenges and to get what you want in life,” explained A. Nayaka.

With ‘Marila Berdansa’, A. Nayaka encourages everyone to take the steps and work towards achieving their dreams, with no fear nor doubt, and full of conviction.

Listen to ‘Marila Berdansa’ on all digital streaming platforms, and watch the LV and upcoming MV on YouTube. Make it part of your daily playlist and keep dancing.

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FEM English News

ASHRAF UDDIN KHAN: The Journey to Success and Business Excellence!




FEM Indonesia Taiwan, DUBAIASHRAF UDDIN KHAN, a self-employed entrepreneur, started his career as an apprentice, showing a willingness to take any job that came his way.

Today, he presides over a $200 million business empire, constantly launching new ventures. Khan firmly believes that the key to achieving greatness lies in consistently outstanding results.

Ashraf, also known as Adam, is a graduate of Australia’s Monash University, with extensive experience in the financial industry and the international banking system.

After completing his apprenticeship at the International Code Council for two years, he developed an interest in project finance and the mining sector.

“Australia’s mining potential motivated me to start a career in the natural resources industry, with a focus on gold, alumina, zinc, nickel and coal,” he said through his press statement, Friday ‘at (14/7/2023).

Working with local entrepreneurs and banks, he acquired his first mine and then expanded to Indonesia, where he started a coal mining operation. It was during this time that he founded PT. JCI BULLION which is currently registered in Indonesia and Singapore. PT. JCI BULLION operates in eight countries, with an impressive turnover of USD 150 million.

Renowned for its expertise in general trading, procurement and supply, PT. JCI Bullion Indonesia has earned a reputation for its financial prowess and credit worthiness. As members of the Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Ashraf, and PT. JCI Bullion actively contributes to the growth and development of the Asian region, in line with SBF’s mission to advance the interests of the Singapore business community in trade, investment and industrial relations.

Determined to go further, Ashraf ventured to found JCI GLOBAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION, a Philippines-registered company focused on energy development in the oil and gas sector. JCI Global Petroleum Corporation has ambitions to emerge as a trusted market for a growing number of oil and gas players. Recognizing the complexity and lack of trust in the industry, the company launched an international trading platform in the summer of 2023. The platform aims to ensure serious applicants with transactional capacity, saving valuable time for all parties involved.

To ensure safe and successful transactions, JCI GLOBAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION has formed strategic partnerships with various banking institutions and refineries around the world. Backed by a strong legal and compliance team, the company has the expertise to verify important documents from buyers and sellers, including proof of funds, proof of products and financial capacity. Armed with their experience in gold mining and trading through PT. With JCI Bullion and Ashraf’s banking background, the team’s ability to check and certify these documents will be a key factor in facilitating a successful transaction.

In July 2023, Yannick KAMGA was appointed as General Manager of JCI GLOBAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION, entrusted with driving the company’s growth and global development from its headquarters in Dubai. Undeterred by his achievements, Ashraf remains committed to creating a greener and more sustainable world. With this vision, he launched PT. PYRAMID INVESTMENT, a company dedicated to green energy initiatives, particularly in solar panel power generation in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Leading a portfolio of companies with a combined value of USD 200 million, Ashraf’s ambitions know no bounds. In the coming years, it aims to expand its activities further in the Asia and Southwest Asia region. With the appointment of General Manager Yannick Kamga, he seeks to establish a significant presence in Africa and Western Europe, reinforcing his commitment to driving global change.

“My journey to inspire and my relentless pursuit of excellence serves as a testament to my strength of determination, ambition and delivering consistent results,” concluded Ashraf.

As he continues to shape the business landscape, his boundless aspirations are poised to leave an indelible mark on the global stage.

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